
In early March NRG exhibited Benno bikes at the Toronto and Vancouver bike shows. These shows were a great opportunity to showcase Benno bikes to consumers and to support our growing dealer base.
Toronto Show:
NRG partnered with Amego Electric Vehicles for this show, one of NRG’s top Benno dealers in Canada. Amego has a large booth at the show where their key suppliers are invited to participate. NRG’s Ontario sales rep, Eric O’Brien attended and represented Benno at the booth. There was a Benno Boost and e-Joy on display as well as a Boost available to demo. During the show Amego sold two Benno e-bikes, including the first e-Joy to be sold in Canada.
Vancouver Show:
For the Vancouver Bike Show NRG partnered with Reckless Bike Stores, another top Benno dealer in Canada. NRG had three staff members on hand as well as staff from Reckless Bikes. One great aspect of this show is that it’s combined with the Outdoor and Travel Show so there are lots of people interested in cycling as a utility / travel tool, perfect for Benno. NRG had an e-Joy, stock Boost, custom Boost, and some Ballooners on display. Plus 2 Boost bikes on the outdoor demo track, which were busy all day. There is no better way to understand the benefits of an e-bike and test riding one!